Kyoko's Blog

竹久夢二 関東大震災を描く 5

Yumeji Takehisa: Depicting the Great Kanto Eart...

A girl selling cigarettes...

Yumeji Takehisa: Depicting the Great Kanto Eart...

A girl selling cigarettes...

モカバタークリーム cake

Mocha buttercream cake

Relax with coffee and mocha cream...

Mocha buttercream cake

Relax with coffee and mocha cream...


I wrote a story about Glenn Gould's Fugue.

A story about preludes and fugues...

I wrote a story about Glenn Gould's Fugue.

A story about preludes and fugues...

グレングールド バッハを語る

Glenn Gould talks about Bach

Glengool and Hiroshi Yoshida...

Glenn Gould talks about Bach

Glengool and Hiroshi Yoshida...

私のバタークリームケーキ ココア&チョコの味

My buttercream cake, cocoa and chocolate flavour

Something to think about all the time...

My buttercream cake, cocoa and chocolate flavour

Something to think about all the time...


Obara Koson: Nature and Life - Childhood

A loving gaze towards nature and living things...

Obara Koson: Nature and Life - Childhood

A loving gaze towards nature and living things...