Kyoko's Blog


Thank you for sending me the photos. I'm so tou...

On your child's desk!

Thank you for sending me the photos. I'm so tou...

On your child's desk!

あじさい公園 宮崎県山之口〜雨の朝の満開の花

Hydrangea Park, Yamanokuchi, Miyazaki Prefectur...

Going to Hydrangea Park on a rainy morning.

Hydrangea Park, Yamanokuchi, Miyazaki Prefectur...

Going to Hydrangea Park on a rainy morning.


The flower language of hydrangea is "change of ...

The color of hydrangeas changes my mind.

The flower language of hydrangea is "change of ...

The color of hydrangeas changes my mind.

大正ロマンを満喫!額装アイデア*LONG ENGAGEMENT〜竹久夢二

Enjoy the romance of the Taisho era! Framing id...

Enjoy the popular works of Yumeji Takehisa in a Taisho Romantic frame❤︎

Enjoy the romance of the Taisho era! Framing id...

Enjoy the popular works of Yumeji Takehisa in a Taisho Romantic frame❤︎


Full of the retro feel of Taisho Roman. "Yumeji...

It feels somehow nostalgic...

Full of the retro feel of Taisho Roman. "Yumeji...

It feels somehow nostalgic...