
The flower language of hydrangea is "change of heart"

The flower language of hydrangea is "change of heart"

This morning I went to the local park with coffee and homemade cake.

The purpose was to photograph hydrangeas.

It's a big park, so the flowers are blooming, right?

=No, there was none.


A slightly disappointing journey home

There was a sign that said "Forest Parking Lot" and next to it was a large hydrangea blooming.

From a distance it was only purple, but when you look closer you can see pink and other intermediate colors.

Some flowers had half purple and half pink petals.

Is he in the middle of changing his mind?

Take a look at these hydrangeas, which look lovely no matter where you photograph them from.

This is a beautiful depiction of hydrangeas by Obara Koson.

The light colors are very beautifully drawn,

Hydrangeas seem to be like an oasis for birds and insects.

Hydrangea and Sparrows / Koson Ohara 2L Frame Brown Stand & Wall Hanging

Hydrangea with Bees / Koson Ohara 2L Frame + Ise Washi Stand & Wall Hanging

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